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Version: 3.4.0-beta.2


Native ad is a flexible type of advertising. You can adapt the display for your UI by preparing a template.

You can use our demo app as a reference project.

Demo App


Native AdQueue is the native ad implementation and management tool in Appodeal SDK. You no longer need to load Native Ads manually. All you have to do is to set the AdQueue object, and it will load new items automatically.

Be careful when using AdQueue: if your app loads too many ads, but is not able to use them, the ad network can either lower the cost of each impression for you or limit your ability to load native ads.

import Appodeal
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var adQueue : APDNativeAdQueue!

Native ads requirements
  • All of the native ad fields marked as mandatory must be displayed.
  • Every ad should have a sign that clearly indicates that it is an ad. For example "Ad" or "Sponsored".
  • Provided images can be resized to fit your ad space but should not be significantly distorted or cropped.

Configure Native Ad Settings

In adQueue.settings you can set the following parameters for the native ads displayed in your app:

adQueue.settings setting nameTypeAppointmentPossible values
typeAPDNativeAdTypeNative Ad TypeAPDNativeAdTypeAuto APDNativeAdTypeVideo APDNativeAdTypeVideo
adViewClassClass APDNativeAdViewTemplate classDefault template APDDefaultNativeAdView.class
autocacheMaskAPDNativeResourceAutocacheMaskMask for caching media filesIcon caching: (APDNativeResourceAutocacheIcon): 1, Image and Video caching (APDNativeResourceAutocacheMedia): 2, Caching all media files: 3

Initialize A Specific Native Ad Type

Appodeal SDK provides both static and video types of native ads.

To implement static native ads in your app, use the following code:

class ViewController: UIViewController {
var adQueue : APDNativeAdQueue!
override func viewDidLoad() {
adQueue.settings.adViewClass = TemplateClass.self
adQueue.settings.autocacheMask = [.icon, .media]
adQueue.settings.type = .novideo


To implement native video ads, use the following code:

class ViewController: UIViewController {
var adQueue : APDNativeAdQueue!
override func viewDidLoad() {
adQueue.settings.adViewClass = TemplateClass.self
adQueue.settings.autocacheMask = [.icon, .media]
adQueue.settings.type = .video


The aspect ratio of native video ads in Appodeal SDK is 16:9, the file size is about 1-3 Mb.

There are two types of native video ads in Appodeal SDK:

  • skippable - if “skippable” flag is stated, the video can be skipped after 5 seconds;
  • muted - if “muted” flag is stated, the video will be played with no sound.


Native ads will start downloading when a native ad queue instance is created. You don't need to control the loading lifecycle. But if you bring some ad from ad queue, you need to have strong reference to it during the whole native ad presentation time. Native ad doesn't have a strong reference to view and view doesn't have a strong reference on the native ad. If application loses reference to the native ad after the impression, the native ad won't be tracking any events.


Callbacks are used to track different events in the lifecycle of an ad, e.g., when an ad was clicked on or closed. To get them, you need to set the delegate as follows:

  1. Add APDNativeAdQueueDelegate and APDNativeAdPresentationDelegate to the header file:
class YourViewController: APDNativeAdQueueDelegate, APDNativeAdPresentationDelegate { }

  1. Set the delegate:
// Loading callbacks delegate
self.adQueue.delegate = self
// Presentation callbacks delegate
self.currentAd.delegate = self

  1. Implement the following functions:
extension MainViewController : APDNativeAdPresentationDelegate {
func nativeAdWillLogImpression(_ nativeAd: APDNativeAd!) {}
func nativeAdWillLogUserInteraction(_ nativeAd: APDNativeAd!) {}

extension MainViewController : APDNativeAdQueueDelegate {
func adQueue(_ adQueue: APDNativeAdQueue!, failedWithError error: Error!) {}
func adQueueAdIsAvailable(_ adQueue: APDNativeAdQueue!, ofCount count: UInt) {}


All callbacks are called on the main thread.

Use Custom Native Ad Templates

To use your custom templates for native ads, simply state your template class in adQueue.setting.adViewClass as follows:

adQueue.settings.adViewClass = YourNativeAdViewTemplate.self

Your template class should conform to the following protocol:

protocol APDNativeAdView {
func titleLabel() -> UILabel
func callToActionLabel() -> UILabel
// Optional
func descriptionLabel() -> UILabel
func iconView() -> UIImageView
func mediaContainerView() -> UIView
func contentRatingLabel() -> UILabel
func adChoicesView() -> UIView
func setRating(_ rating: NSNumber)
static func nib() -> UINib

The objects mentioned in this protocol are:

  • titleLabel - container for title text;
  • callToActionLabel - container for call-to-action text;
  • descriptionLabel - container for description text;
  • iconView - container for icon image;
  • mediaContainerView - container for media files (images and video files);
  • contentRatingLabel - container for showing rating of the content;
  • adChoicesView - container for showing adChoice;
  • rating - container for showing rating of the app;
  • nib - nib-file for template.

All views should be enclosed in a single superview. If YourNativeAdViewTemplate inherits from UITableViewCell(UICollectionViewCell), these views should be contained in the hierarchy of contentView.

Get All Native Ads From Native AdQueue

import UIKit
import Appodeal

class ViewController: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet weak var nativeAdView: UIView!
var nativeAdQueue: APDNativeAdQueue!
var nativeArray: [APDNativeAd] = []

override func viewDidLoad() {
nativeAdQueue = APDNativeAdQueue()
nativeAdQueue.settings = APDNativeAdSettings.default()
nativeAdQueue.settings.adViewClass = CustomNativeAdView.self
nativeAdQueue.delegate = self
nativeAdQueue.settings.autocacheMask = [.icon, .media]


@IBAction func presentNativeAd(_ sender: Any) {
let nativeAd = nativeArray.first
if let nativeAd = nativeAd {
nativeAd.delegate = self
do {
let adView = try nativeAd.getViewForPlacement("default", withRootViewController: self)
adView.frame = nativeAdView.bounds
} catch {

extension ViewController: APDNativeAdQueueDelegate, APDNativeAdPresentationDelegate {
func adQueueAdIsAvailable(_ adQueue: APDNativeAdQueue, ofCount count: UInt) {
if nativeArray.count > 0 {
} else {
nativeArray.append(contentsOf: adQueue.getNativeAds(ofCount: 1)){( $0.delegate = self )}

Native Ad Object

NativeAd objects have the following characteristics in Appodeal SDK. All of the fields marked as “Mandatory” must be displayed:

Name of fieldRequired?Description
*NSString titleMandatoryNative ad title. At least 25 characters of the title should always be displayed. You can add ellipsis at the end if the title is longer.
*NSString subtitleOptionalNative ad subtitle
*NSString descriptionTextOptionalText description of the native ad. If you choose to display the description, you should display ate least 75 characters. You can add ellipsis at the end.
*NSString callToActionTextMandatoryThe call to action text. Should be displayed on a visible button without truncation.
*NSString contentRatingOptionalRating of the content.
*NSNumber starRatingOptionalApp in the [0-5] range.
*APDImage mainImageOptionalBitmap of an image. An ad object contains both icon and image. It's mandatory to use at least one of these elements. Deprecated method. NativeMediaView should be used instead to show images or videos.
*APDImage iconImageMandatoryBitmap of an icon. An ad object contains both icon and image. It's mandatory to use at least one of these elements.
*UIView adChoicesViewMandatoryView. If it doesn't return null, it's mandatory to display the provider icon in any corner of the native ad. Used by some networks to display AdChoices or the privacy icon.

Common Mistakes With Native Ads

  • No ad attribution or AdChoices icon

    The majority of ad networks require publishers to add a special mark to native ads, so users don't mistake them for content. That's why you always need to make sure, that native ads in your app have the ad attribution (e.g., “Ad”) or the AdChoices icon.

  • Absence of the required native ad elements

    Every native must contain:

    • title;
    • call-to-action button;
    • ad attribution or AdChoices icon;
    • icon, image or video.
  • Native ad elements alteration

    Advertisers expect that their ads will be displayed clearly and without any alteration. You can scale buttons and images, but you shouldn't crop, cover or distort them.

  • Overlapping native ad elements

    Make sure that all native ad elements are visible and do not overlap.

Get Predicted eCPM

This method returns the expected eCPM for the cached ad. The amount is calculated based on historical data for the current ad unit.

Appodeal.predictedEcpm(for: .nativeAd)

Check If Native Ad Is Initialized

Appodeal.isInitialized(for: .nativeAd)

Returns true, if the Native has been initialized.

Check Viewability

You can always check in logs if show was tracked and your ad is visible.

You will see the following log if show was tracked successfully.

[Appodeal *.*.*] [debug] [impression] Impression <APDImpression: 0x600002953b10> succesfully tracked